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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bills Regulating the Immigration Detention System Introduced

This press release comes from our partners at the National Immigration Forum. The National Immigration Forum is the leading immigrant advocacy organization in the country with a mission to advocate for the value of immigrants and immigration to the nation.

For Immediate Release
July 30, 2009

Katherine Vargas at (202) 383-5987 or
(202) 641-5198 (mobile)

Legislation to Regulate Immigration Detention System Introduced

Bills will Protect U.S. Citizens From Unlawful Detention and Ensure Due Process Rights to Detainees

Washington, DC - Today in the Senate, two important pieces of legislation seeking to fix our broken immigration detention system were introduced: the "Protect Citizens and Residents from Unlawful Detention Act" sponsored by Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Edward Kennedy (D-MA), and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and the "Strong STANDARDS Act (Safe Treatment, Avoiding Needless Deaths, and Abuse Reduction in the Detention System)" sponsored by Senators Menendez and Gillibrand. The legislation would address some of the concerns raised by recent news articles and reports, over the deteriorating conditions and lack of due process protections for immigrants in detention. The following is a statement by Douglas Rivlin, Communications Director of the National Immigration Forum, a non-partisan, non-profit pro-immigrant advocacy organization in Washington.

The dismal state of our immigration detention system makes it clear that the time is now for Congressional action to address our failing immigration system. Hundreds of thousands of people including women, children, asylum seekers - and even some U.S. citizens who have been mistakenly identified - are caught in a system in crisis. The Department of Homeland Security estimates it will detain over 440,000 individuals this year in a detention system plagued by deplorable conditions and rampant abuse. This poorly run detention complex exists at the expense of detainees' rights and U.S. taxpayers' dollars.

We praise Senators Menendez, Gillibrand and Kennedy along with Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, who is fighting for similar legislation in the House. Their leadership is critical to winning reforms that protect the fundamental rights of detainees and ensure that American values of fairness, transparency and due process are upheld.

However, as long as we have a deficient immigration system the detention system will continue to be overburdened. Unless we pass comprehensive immigration reform, we will continue to have a system divorced from reality, which does not provide sufficient legal channels for immigrants to use or mechanisms for immigrants already in the country to get legalized. It is important and urgent that Congress implements workable solutions that will place our immigration system back on a legal footing and restore basic fairness and humanity to our cruel, costly, and irrational detention system.


Enough is Enough: Time for real immigration reform

Imagine waking up to pounding on your front door, you and your kids forced to the floor in your pajamas, heavily armed agents rifling their way through your home as the kids scream out in terror.

Now, imagine armed federal agents barging into your home without legal consent.

Last week, the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law called the government's pre-dawn immigration raids on family homes "unconstitutional" and said that a "cowboy mentality" over at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been doing serious harm.

So far, DHS has refused to investigate or acknowledge these and other serious charges.

Watch this latest video from America's Voice and sign the petition to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano saying, "Enough is enough!"

It's time for real immigration reform, not more "cowboy" enforcement tactics.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Community Forum Addressing Abuse Held in The Dalles

Over the last several years, members of the Latino community of The Dalles, Oregon have been voicing serious concern that they have become victims of abuse from some employees in the justice system in Wasco County.

Last week, a local group called "We the People" held a community forum to discus their concerns with city officials. Among the 150 community members who attended, the city of The Dalles Mayor, City Manager and the Chief of Police were also present. CAUSA was honored to have been in attendance to support the positive exchange.

During the event, members of the community offered a 10 point proposal to city officials. By the end of the forum, the Mayor, the City Manager and the Chief of Police agreed to review the proposal and work with the Latino Community to come up with solutions.

For more on what occurred and the positive relationship that has developed, watch CAUSA's video of the forum below or by linking here.

Videography by Erik Sorensen, CAUSA Communications
Music by William Cushman (On My Way)


Monday, July 20, 2009

Visas protect undocumented immigrants who are victims of crime

The Oregonian ran a story on "T" and "U" visas designed to help protect undocumented immigrants who are victims of crime.

The program, according to the article is not very well known. And, although there has been a law in place for 9 years to protect immigrants who are crime victims, the Government has only recently started approving the "T" and "U" visas.
The T visa provides legal status for victims of trafficking, including those who are recruited for labor or services through force, fraud or coercion. And the U visa is for victims of crimes such as murder, assault, rape and sexual exploitation.
The T and U visas allow applicants to secure legal status, a work permit good for four years, and a petition for family members.

For the complete story, please link here


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rev. David Ostendorf: ICEing the White House

Rev. David L. Ostendorf is the managing editor for Imagine 2050. Contributors to the Imagine 2050 include activists, immigrants, artists and students who are invested in a future nation that embraces multiculturalism and tolerance.

ICEing the White House

July 15, 2009

By Rev. David L. Ostendorf

Let’s face it. With the expansion of the 287(g) program, the new employer audit initiative, the growth of the Border Patrol, and the relentless, unconscionable construction of the border fence, the Obama Administration has completely succumbed to the ICE (and Democratic Party) enforcement agenda.

The new and expanded agreements that enable local and state law enforcement agencies to act as ICE surrogates build on a program (287(g))that has wreaked havoc across the country. In those jurisdictions where the agreements prevail, no immigrant has been safe from zealous law officers who turn a minor traffic stop, for example, into a wider deportation roundup. Instead of curbing the practice, the White House is expanding it into even more jurisdictions.

Continue article at


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Latino Group Calls on Republicans to Denounce Hateful Rhetoric against Sotomayor

In a statement released today, Presente Action called on Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee today to denounce Rush Limbaugh's newest inflammatory attacks on Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

They had this to say:

"Rush Limbaugh has no shame -- launching more racist attacks on Judge Sotomayor during a historic week when her credentials are on full display and our community is beaming with pride. Our elected leaders cannot remain silent in the face of these inflammatory comments polluting the public discourse. We demand that Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee denounce Limbaugh's latest remarks immediately."

On Monday, Presente Action released a video ad in local congressional districts asking people to call on Representative John Mica (R-FL) to denounce racist attacks on Sotomayor by Limbaugh.

According to the organization's press release, since Monday’s launch, the ad has been featured on ABC, Politico, CNN, Huffington Post, Orlando Sentinel, St. Petersburg Times, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Daily Kos, and others including The O'Reilly Factor.

For more information about Presente Action, visit

Read the latest commentary from Imagine 2050 on the situation by linking here.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Oregon Senators Join with Republican Minority in supporting $7 Billion Dollar Wall of Shame

July 9, 2009

Francisco Lopez, Executive Director: (503) 269-5694
Erik Sorensen, Communications Director: (503) 488-0263
Oregon Senators Join with Republican Minority in supporting $7 Billion Dollar Wall of Shame

Salem, Ore--CAUSA, Oregon’s Immigrant Rights Coalition is disappointed in the decision of Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley to vote with the Republican minority for a controversial amendment specifying that a 700-mile border “Fence to Nowhere” be completed by the end of 2010.

In a 54-44 vote taken yesterday, Oregon’s two Democratic Senators chose to join forces with the conservative, anti-immigrant minority in supporting the wall of shame along the U.S. southern border.

According to recent polling conducted by the Benenson Strategy Group, more than 85% of Americans support Congress passing just and humane immigration reform, and yet the Senate chooses to play politics.

“How can those who sit in the Senate vote consciously for such a cruel piece of legislation?” asked Francisco Lopez, Executive Director of CAUSA. “Don't they realize how many people have died along the border fences? The US Senate should establish a strategic border enforcement policy that reflects American values, not anti-immigrant right-wing ideology"

It is being reported that the construction of the southern fence will cost Americans over $7 Billion Dollars, causing concerns about its practicality and functionality during a time of great recession in the United States.

In an investigative report aired by PBS’s NOW with David Brancaccio on July 3rd, it was revealed that private contractors are making billions on the border fence that has no chance of working. Not to mention, it has become a nightmare for many homeowners cutting through the middle of some properties, while leaving others untouched. The NOW report added that new technology for a virtual fence has not even been proven to work in the field.

"Those who choose to support enforcement-only schemes are just playing political games with lives and private property and wasting tax-payer dollars", said Lopez. "Comprehensive Immigration Reform that will legalize 12 million undocumented immigrants is the only solution to our nation's broken immigration system and the Senate needs to quit wasting time and money."

CAUSA, Oregon's Immigrant Rights Coalition, is the largest Hispanic civil and human rights and advocacy organization in the Pacific Northwest. For more information, visit


Benenson Strategy Group, Recent Polling on Immigration Reform June 2, 2009

Obama's Border Fence, NOW with David Brancaccio, July 3, 2009

Congressional Record, Senate Amendment 1399 Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC)


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

City Council Votes unanimously to rename street after Cesar Chavez

Portland, OR--The Portland City Council voted unanimously today to change 39th Avenue to Cesar Chavez Boulevard.

According to The Oregonian, City Commissioners and Mayor Sam Adams each spoke of the importance of the street renaming as a symbol to honor the contributions of Latinos to the city of Portland.

"Ultimately we all are winners when our minds are opened to different perspectives and cultures. It's time to honor Cesar Chavez with a street name." said Commissioner Dan Saltzmen during today's hearing.

Mayor Sam Adams said, “the "great diversity" of the Latino community is not recognized in a significant symbol in Portland while Latino Americans have made significant contributions to the city”.

Congratulations to those who worked so hard on the renaming process which began two years ago. Stay tuned for details on the date for the renaming ceremony.

Read the full Oregonian article complete with comments from other City Commissioners by linking here.


Jill Garvey: The John Tanton Network and the Anti-Immigrant Movement in America

Jill Garvey is the managing editor for Imagine 2050. Contributors to the blog include activists, immigrants, artists and students who are invested in a future nation that embraces multiculturalism and tolerance.

The John Tanton Network and the Anti-Immigrant Movement in America

July 7, 2009

By Jill Garvey

One man is at the heart of the most influential anti-immigrant network in the country. This man, John Tanton, has created an empire of organizations consisting of lobbyists, lawyers, legislators, and “experts” that have permeated the very depths of social and political debate.

What appears to the public as a myriad of voices advocating for severe immigration enforcement is nothing more than a series of front groups, “coalitions,” and spin-offs seeking to overwhelm reasonable debate on immigration. Tanton founded the Federation for American Immigration Reform 30 years ago and shortly thereafter U.S. Inc. These two groups jointly fund and support most of today’s national anti-immigrant groups.

Continue article at


Monday, July 6, 2009

NOW investigates Obama's Border Fence

The U.S.-Mexico border fence—are private contractors making billions on a project that won't even work? PBS's NOW looks into the issue.

This investigative report offers one more reason why enforcement-only tactics won't work leaving Comprehensive Immigration Reform the only solution to our nation's broken immigration system.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day

Today the crown of the Statue of Liberty reopened to tourists after being closed since September 11, 2001.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar remarked on the reopening, "It's a proud day today because of the opening of the doors of an American icon”. He added that the new citizens' diversity illustrated the potpourri of humanity that makes the U.S. unique.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

CAUSA wishes all a safe and Happy Independence Day!


ENGLISH Only Failure

This humorous story comes from our allies at Immigration Impact. H/T to the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM) for posting about it.

According to FIRM's post, Seth Hoy of Immigration Impact wrote recently of a humorous photo that came out of a conference hosted by Pat Buchanan and the American Cause a couple weekends ago.
“Peter Brimelow, owner of the anti-immigrant website, suggested an English-only initiative with the aim of “winning over working class white Democrats.” The only problem with this idea is that the word “conference” on the banner hanging over their heads is misspelled: “conferenece.”

For the full story from Immigration Impact, please link here.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

U.S. Police Chiefs Call for Passage of Immigration Reform

Police Chiefs from urban departments around the United States are calling for immigration reform legislation that would “integrate immigrants into the legal system, possibly with driver's licenses, and separate the local police from immigration enforcement” according to a New York Times article.

At a Press Conference in Miami on Wednesday, Chief John Timoney of the Miami Police Department said "We're in the business of delivering a police service whether the person has had a car accident, been a victim of a crime, or been a witness to a crime”. And that undocumented immigrants may not call authorities for fear "that they are going to wind up being reported to federal authorities and deported."

Timoney went on to say that "The problem for us is they don't discern between federal authorities and local authorities. As far as they're concerned it's all law enforcement."

Other Chiefs joined with Timoney in saying that “Those who call illegal immigrants "criminals," are misreading the law and hurting their own communities by scaring neighbors who could identify criminals.”

Chief Acevedo of the Austin Police Department in Texas said "When you remove the emotion from the debate, no one can argue that it is in the best interest of public safety to keep these people living in the shadows."

The Chiefs said it would be impossible to deport our nation's 10 million to 15 million undocumented immigrants which is another reason they support a “new policy that improves public safety by bringing illegal immigrants out of the shadows”.

For the full article, link here:


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