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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Questions Arise about Multnomah County Undersheriff Attending Anti-immigration Event

Questions Arise about Multnomah County Undersheriff Attending Anti-immigration Event

Oregon’s Statewide Immigrant Rights Organization seek answers from the Multnomah County Sheriff

Portland, Ore.-- Today, a report appeared in Willamette Week identifying a top official of the Multnomah County Sheriff’s office as attending an “Anti-Immigration Training Session in Texas".

Multnomah County Undersheriff Tim Moore is reported to have attended a “Border School” over the weekend organized by the immigration restrictionist group, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). According to the article, FAIR is labeled as a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Willamette Week’s report ran alongside a photo featuring Multnomah County Undersheriff Moore and Morrow County Sheriff Kenneth Matlack on each side of Oregonians for Immigration Reform President Cynthia Kendoll. (photo at right)

“The Multnomah County’s Undersheriff’s attendance of FAIR’s “border school” raises several big questions”, said Francisco Lopez, Executive Director of Causa Oregon.

“With Undersheriff Tim Moore participating in an event with an anti-immigration group from here in Oregon, does that mean the sheriff has an understanding with anti-immigration groups?” Lopez questioned. “Is Moore the right man for this job, considering he is having ideological ties with an anti-immigration group?”

Lopez added that an investigation of the department’s top officials may be in order. “This makes the Latino and Immigrant Communities very uncomfortable knowing that a top official from Multnomah County would attend such an event.”

This story breaks just weeks after the ACLU of Oregon filed a lawsuit against the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office for unlawfully detaining a Portland resident at the request of federal immigration officers despite a judge’s order releasing him on his state charges.

The ACLU’s lawsuit claims the Sheriff’s detention policy on immigration-related requests violates Oregon law – which prohibits the use of state and local resources to detain people suspected only of violating civil immigration restrictions – and the Oregon Constitution.


About Causa Oregon

Causa, Oregon's Statewide Immigrant Rights Organization is the largest Latina and Latino civil and human rights and advocacy organization in the Pacific Northwest. We work to defend and advance immigrant rights through coordination with local, state, and national coalitions and allies. For more information, visit


Willamette Week’s report:

Oregon ACLU’s Lawsuit against the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Today is National Voter Registration Day

Today is National Voter Registration Day!

Join the Bus Project for National Voter Registration Day in Pioneer Courthouse Square in Downtown Portland today between 7:30 am and 6:30pm.
"We'll be hanging out square and sending out teams to register folks both at the Square and around the city. There will be cool people, even cooler music, and lots of democracy-centric fun! We might also have MINI-PIES and other tasty treats. Shhhh - it's kind of a secret."

For more details, please link here:

Why Vote?

Because We Can Make a Real Difference!

Recent elections in Arizona, Nevada, and Florida, amongst many others, have shown the power of our vote. History has shown that when you threaten our families or harm our interests, we stand up. It is time to begin sitting at the table and stop being on the menu.

These are some important issues that motivate the immigrant community to Vote, and that we can pass if we vote:

- Driver’s License Restoration for all Oregonians despite legal status
- Tuition Equity for all of Oregon’s Students
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival
- Family Unity – stopping deportations
- The DREAM Act
- Comprehensive Immigration Reform

What you can do today:

• Check and upde your voter registration at
• Invite your friends and family to register to vote
• Join the Bus Project and allies in Pioneer Square between 7:30am and 6:30pm TODAY

To recognize the day, Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber and Sercretary of State Kate Brown have also signed a proclamation declaring September 25, "Oregon Voter Registration Day." You can read the official proclamation here.

You can register to vote if you can answer yes to the following questions:
→ Are you a resident of Oregon?
→ Are you a US citizen?
→ Are you at least 17 years old?

If you live in Oregon, you can register to vote here:

If you have already registered to vote and would like to check your registration or update your information, please link here:

If you live in another state, you can link to your state's voter registration through our partnership page with Rock The Vote:

If you have questions about voting in Oregon, Please call the Secretary of State's Office at 866-873-VOTE between 8am and 5pm Monday - Friday or visit

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Causa Oregon to participate in National Immigrant Integration Conference in Baltimore

Causa Oregon to participate in National Immigrant Integration Conference in Baltimore

Defending immigrant civil rights to be key conference topic

(Baltimore, MD) — The largest national conference to bring together a cross-section of immigrant integration leaders and advocates, the National Immigrant Integration Conference 2012 (NIIC 2012), will be held Sept. 22-25 in Baltimore, Md. NIIC 2012 will focus on finding practical solutions to ensure immigrants have the opportunity to become integral members of the U.S. communities they call home. Causa’s leaders will join conference participants and highlight our success in working with the Oregon Latino community on immigrant integration issues.

The conference will focus on empowering immigrants to build stronger, healthier communities. Important topics that will be addressed include access to education, the political process, health care, religious institutions and commercial resources, like banking.

“It is critical that our communities realize and value the contributions immigrants make,” said Francisco Lopez, Executive Director of Causa Oregon. “Only then will we, as a unified community, truly be able to fulfill the promise of the American Dream.”

The plenary “A Paramount Democracy: The Federal Role in Defending Civil Rights,” will feature Tom Perez, the assistant attorney general for the civil rights division of the U.S. Department of Justice. The plenary will include questions from national immigrant leaders from election battleground states in a year in which the presidency could be determined by immigrant voters.

Immigrants play a valuable role in our communities, our society and our economy and it’s of the utmost importance that they are assured equality and freedom. Throughout American history, immigrant integration has been impacted by civil rights challenges. Ensuring freedom from discrimination and constitutional abuses is a core element of the multipronged approach to integrate immigrants into communities and states across our country.

NIIC 2012 will open Saturday, Sept. 22, with a New Americans Festival that will feature an inspirational U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services naturalization ceremony. On Sunday, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley will give the conference opening address. He will highlight how his state is leading a growing movement of state and local governments across the country – from Baltimore to Dayton to Detroit – to recognize and promote immigrants’ contributions, and develop comprehensive efforts to attract and welcome them.

Additional high-profile speakers include:
• Alejandro Mayorkas, director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
• Brenda Dann-Messier, assistant secretary for vocational and adult education, U.S. Department of Education
• Bob Annibale, global director, Citi Microfinance

Nearly 40 million immigrants live in America, comprising 13 percent of the total population and 16 percent of the total labor force, and immigrants are key drivers of small business growth. Immigrants are also more likely to live without health care and more vulnerable to workplace violations. Immigrant integration, a two-way process that strengthens the systems and tools that allow immigrants in the U.S. to participate fully in their communities, benefits us all by providing people with the opportunity to contribute to their fullest capacity to their families, jobs and communities.

For more information or to register for the conference, visit


About Causa Oregon
Causa, Oregon's Statewide Immigrant Rights Organization is the largest Latina and Latino civil and human rights and advocacy organization in the Pacific Northwest. We work to defend and advance immigrant rights through coordination with local, state, and national coalitions and allies. For more information, visit

About the Partnership
The National Immigrant Integration Conference 2012 (NIIC 2012) is the largest national conference to bring together immigrant integration leaders and advocates from across the country. The conference is the signature event of the National Partnership for New Americans. Participants represent a broad cross-section of professionals whose day-to-day work can inform this conversation, including experts on immigration and refugee policies, service providers, academics, government officials and advocates — all of whom are committed to finding innovative and effective ways to develop policies and programs that promote active citizenship and a just and welcoming democracy for all.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Causa to Present Latino Contributions to Oregon’s Economy Report in Washington D.C. to Members of Congress

Causa to Present Latino Contributions to Oregon’s Economy Report in Washington D.C. to Members of Congress

Washington, D.C. – On September 20th, Causa, Oregon’s Statewide Immigrant Rights Organization, will present the report “Latino Contributions to Oregon: Strengthening Our State Economy” at the U.S Capitol Visitors Center in Washington D.C. The presentation will be sponsored by U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley, U.S. Congressman Kurt Schrader, Oregon School Employee Association AFT Local 6732 and Causa Oregon. The report will also be presented to the Oregon Congressional Delegation, other members of the U.S. Congress and allies.

September 20, 2012 at 10am
Report Presentation:
"Latino Contributions to Oregon: Strengthening Our State Economy"
U.S. Capitol Visitors Center
Room: SVC 203-02
Washington, D.C.

The report, “Latino Contributions to Oregon: Strengthening Our State Economy”, examines the role Latinos play in advancing the economy of Oregon and the well-being of our communities through their contributions as workers, entrepreneurs, consumers, and taxpayers. It draws primarily on data from the 2010 Census and the American Community Survey and provides Oregon-specific demographic, labor, and socio-economic data regarding the Latino and immigrant communities. For example, the report found that 1 in 5 native-born children in Oregon have at least one immigrant parent, and that Oregon had one of the top rates of growth for Latino-owned business creation in the country.

"While there are many strong reports about the Latino and immigrant community on a national level, we have often struggled to find and use Oregon-specific data," said Francisco Lopez, Executive Director of Causa. "This report is significant because it is the first step in correcting the lack of information."

This report provides community organizations, elected officials, and policy-makers with a comprehensive overview of Latinos in Oregon, which will allow them to make better policy decisions that are in the best interest of all Oregon residents.

For more information on the presentation in Washington D.C. or to schedule an interview with Francisco Lopez, Causa’s Executive Director, please call at 503-269-5694

Download the Executive Summary here: .

Download the Full Report:

About Causa Oregon

Causa, Oregon's Statewide Immigrant Rights Organization is the largest Latina and Latino civil and human rights and advocacy organization in the Pacific Northwest. We work to defend and advance immigrant rights through coordination with local, state, and national coalitions and allies. For more information, visit

Monday, September 10, 2012

VIDEO: Orphaned by Deportation-- An American Story

On August 29th, Causa held a gathering in Portland of American children left orphaned by deportation. Watch our latest video as children tell their story of being left orphaned by our nation's broken immigration system.


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