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Thursday, September 6, 2007

RELEASE: Congress Returns from Recess to Renewed Calls for Immigration Reform

For Immediate Release
September 6, 2007

Erik Sorensen, Communications, CAUSA 503-789-8213
Aeryca Steinbauer, Coordinator, CAUSA 503-984-6816

Congress Returns from Recess to Renewed Calls for Immigration Reform

Senate inaction intensifies need for real solutions; House to hold immigration hearing

Salem, OR – When the Congressional delegation from Oregon returns to Washington DC this month after the August Recess, they will return to renewed calls for real and workable immigration reform that will secure our borders, restore the rule of law and provide a practical solution for dealing with the country’s 12 million undocumented workers who are a vital part of the national economy.

“If our elected members of Congress think they’re going to breeze back into the nation’s Capitol, and not make themselves accountable to their constituents for the undue burden being placed on state and local governments, they’re in for an abrupt reality check.,” said Aeryca Steinbauer, Coordinator with CAUSA.

Since the death of the immigration bill in the Senate, we’ve already seen a preview of the problems that come with the failure of the federal government to fix our immigration system. Local governments all over the country are attempting to implement their own immigration ordinances, leading to chaos in the system and divisive battles within their respective communities. Meanwhile, the Bush Administration has turned to enforcement-only mechanisms which led to a lawsuit filed by the AFL-CIO and an order by U.S. District Judge Maxine M. Chesney to halt the program. Stunningly, an already badly broken immigration system is getting worse thanks to the failure of Congress to get its act together and implement true immigration reform.

The House Judiciary Subcommittee is holding a hearing this Thursday on STRIVE Act, the House bill on immigration reform co-authored by Reps. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ). “The country is clamoring for real and workable immigration reform that will secure our borders, restore the rule of law and provide a practical solution for dealing with the country’s 12 million undocumented workers who are a vital part of the national economy,” said Steinbauer. “We need constructive debate on this issue – our elected officials should be held accountable to create, and not destroy, the opportunity for dialogue and reform.”

The renewed calls for immigration reform stem from growing concerns over the staggering number of anti-immigrant ordinances that have been proposed across the country, the increase in raids by I.C.E, and the Bush Administration’s new plan to issue “no match” letters to companies whose employees' names and Social Security numbers do not match those on record at the Social Security Administration.

“We’re all in agreement that the system is broken and reform is needed. That’s not the issue. The concern is that the enforcement-only policies are only half the answer, and the public is being sold a bill of goods that won’t really get them what they want—true immigration reform. Without more realistic immigration laws, the current path we are on will lead to chaos in the system,” said Steinbauer. “The public does not need that. Why are the Bush Administration and Congress forcing this situation rather than solving the problem? Is that really what the public wants?”



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