The official public FCC hearing slated for Friday in Seattle
For the last four years a growing group of individuals and organizationshave been fighting the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and itsattempt to allow big media to get even bigger. This issue is now coming tothe Pacific Northwest as the FCC is holding its final hearing on this subject in Seattle this coming Friday.
Public Hearing on Media Ownership
4pm-11pm, Friday, Nov. 9 2007
Town Hall Seattle, Great Hall
1119 Eighth Avenue
Seattle, Washington
FCC Chairman Martin is attempting to fast-track the final vote beforeChristmas in an effort to implement these changes ahead of the 2008 electioncycle. The new rules, if passed, would allow one company to own the dailynewspaper, 3 TV Stations, 8 Radio Stations, the cable company and internetservice provider in a city the size of Portland. For more details on howOregon will be affected go here:
The health of our media sets the baseline for our political participation,our cultural expression and our knowledge about the rest of the world.Whether people are concerned about media bias, the lack of diverse voices innews, the arts and music, runaway commercialism or the dumbing-down ofpolitical debate, it's important to understand that who owns the channels wewatch has a huge impact and to say no to allowing making big media to growany bigger.
What can you do?
Attend the hearing in Seattle and testify, or, support those presenting testimonies. Time will be tight - 2 minutes. You can also submit writtentestimony. It will be a spirited and instructive event - quite historic too!
If you want to ride on the bus to Seattle hearing with the Oregon delegation, please contact Bruce Fife ASAP at 503-235-8791 or
Tentative timing will be to leave Woodburn at 10 am and Portland at 11:30 am
and head back south at 11:00 pm. Suggested donation is $10 but no one turned away due to lack of funds.If you can't attend the Seattle hearing, but still want to make your voiceheard, you can submit your comments online to the FCC. Your comments areinvaluable. In 2003 it was these public comments that helped us stop the FCCwhen they tried to relax media ownership rules. Submit your comments here:
Contact your representatives in Washington DC. For more information on how they stand on this issue and contact information, go here:
Updates on the Seattle hearing can be found at
For more background check out this recent Bill Moyers show:
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