On Monday, CAUSA will join dozens of community organizations to lobby at the State Capitol in Salem re-affirming our opposition to the war and calling for a halt to sending the Oregon National Guard to Iraq and Afghanistan.
In May, 3,500 Oregon National Guard soldiers are scheduled to go to Iraq--some of them for the fourth time! Those 3,500 represent more than 40% of the entire Oregon Guard. That's the highest percentage since World War II!
We need Oregon Guard members in Oregon serving our communities and to spend tax dollars on services for Oregonians instead of war.
The lobbying effort with a rally to follow is to draw attention to HB 2556 and HR 4, legislative proposals which call for the Oregon National Guard to stay in the U.S. and serve Oregon.
Lobby Day and Rally to Keep the Oregon Guard in Oregon
Date: Monday, March 16, 2009
Time: 8 AM to Noon (Rally at 12 noon)
Oregon State Capitol
900 Court St NE
Salem, Oregon
For more information, contact Marlen Torres, mtorreskpcn@pcun.org
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