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Friday, June 5, 2009

Comments Advocating Violence Turn-up at KATU YouNews

What a positive week it has been.

On Monday, CAUSA held a press conference at the Oregon State Capitol with Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN), Rural Organizing Project, Mujeres Luchadores Progresistas and the Oregon Association of Nurseries to kick-off the National Campaign to Reform Immigration FOR America. Similar events were held in states all around the nation.

On Wednesday, a delegation from Oregon traveled to Washington D.C. to attend the Reform Immigration FOR America Summit. They joined over 700 other delegates from 48 states to learn what needs to be done to win the Campaign to Reform Immigration and to lobby their legislators.

Today, our delegates met with Oregon's Congressional Leaders in their D.C Offices. Although we are dedicated to working hard throughout the summer to send the message to our legislators that Immigration Reform needs to be passed this year, the report back from our delegates was positive and very promising.

When we posted the video of our June 1st Press Briefing on KATU's YouNews page, we envisioned it as an opportunity for KATU News viewers to learn about our broad coalition of Faith, Labor, Business, Civil Rights and Immigrant Advocacy uniting to pass Fair and Just Immigration Reform. Although we were ready to see the same tired arguments and hyperbole from those who oppose any sort of reform, we were shocked to see remarks advocating violence against immigrants at KATU's website.

We hope readers will take the time to visit our video at KATU's YouNews page and leave a positive comment. We cannot allow this type of vitriol and hatred from anti-immigrant activists go unchallenged at KATU's website. It is time for us to speak up!

To contact KATU News about their screening process that allows such threatening content, you can reach their front desk at 503-231-4222 or send an email to their General Manager at



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