As part of the global days of action against the new World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial, people from across the Pacific Northwest will be converging in downtown Portland tomorrow to speak out against the proposed expansion of failed "free trade" policies and to demand the prioritization of human needs over corporate greed.
This week, the World Trade Organization held its largest meeting on international trade and investment in many years. During the new WTO conference, government officials and corporate lobbyists promoted the expansion of business-as-usual trade policies as a solution to, rather than a cause of, the global economic crisis. Their agenda includes the expansion of trade pacts that would:
As part of this resistance, a broad coalition of over 75 labor, environmental, faith, human rights and community organizations from across Oregon have organized Saturday's large-scale march and rally. The day's fantastic line-up of speakers includes Lori Wallach (Global Trade Watch), Tom Chamberlain (Oregon AFL-CIO), Francisco Lopez (CAUSA Oregon), Barbara Byrd (Oregon Apollo Alliance), Brent Foster (Oregon Department of Justice), Ken Allen (Oregon AFSCME) and Vandana Shiva (via video), as well as musical acts by Jim Page, Dr. Atomic's Medicine Show and others.Cause further offshoring of local jobs Prohibit new banking regulations designed to prevent the next financial crisis Force global warming policies to conform with restrictive commercial agreements Expand agricultural practices that push small farmers off their land and force migration Require countries to accept imported foods and consumer goods that fail to meet local safety standards
This is one of more than 200 events across the country, and hundreds more throughout the world. Join the global movement saying "NO" to the WTO by participating in the "D5" march and rally this Saturday, December 5th. For information on caravans from around the region (leaving from Ashland, Grants Pass, Medford, Roseburg, Eugene/Springfield, Corvallis, Olympia and Seattle), volunteer opportunities and other background items, please visit:

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