Media Advisory
December 7, 2009
Jordan Cunnings, 503.358.4650,
Faith Leaders Call for Humane, Moral Legislation
Portland, Ore. - On Thursday, December 10th, faith leaders, community leaders and neighbors will gather in front of the Edith Green Federal Building for an interfaith vigil to lift up the protection of immigrants and their families, and to pray for moral leadership from congressional leaders. Leaders from various religious backgrounds will share about the symbolism of light and the importance of welcoming the stranger in each of their faith traditions. The group will symbolically seek Posada, or hospitality, for our nation's immigrant community at the doors of the Federal Building, mirroring the actions of immigrants who seek refuge in the United States. The vigil will be followed by a candlelit procession to First Christian Church, where a welcoming celebration with food and music will be held.
This interfaith action is one of many that will take place throughout the country from December 10th (International Human Rights Day) through December 18th (International Day of the Migrant) as part of the "Shine a Light from Coast to Coast" National Days of Interfaith Action, sponsored by the National New Sanctuary Movement and Interfaith Worker Justice. Various communities will gather to re-enact our journey as a nation to 'welcome the stranger' by showing the history and hope of welcoming immigrants. The Portland gathering will be one of the first vigils to take place across the country, reminding communities that we have all been immigrants and strangers in this land. Like the Posada tradition of going from house to house, vigils will be held from city to city, with the final destination of the White House, where we can hope for leadership on compassionate immigration reform and a joyful celebration of accepting immigrants.
WHAT: Interfaith vigil calling for just and humane immigration reform
WHO: Speakers include Reverend David Wheeler of First Baptist Church, Reverend Charles Lienert of St. Andrew Catholic Church, Rabbi Joseph Wolf of Havurah Shalom, Pastor Rod Stafford of Portland Mennonite Church, Reverend Kate Lore of First Unitarian Church, and John Munson of the Oregon Farm Worker Ministry.
WHEN: Thursday, December 10th (International Human Rights Day)
Vigil at 4:30 PM, Celebration at 5:30 PM
WHERE: The Edith Green Federal Building, 1220 SW Third Avenue (4:30 PM)
First Christian Church, SW Colombia & Broadway (5:30 PM)
This event is sponsored by the Oregon New Sanctuary Movement, Portland Jobs with Justice, the American Friends Service Committee, CAUSA, Witness for Peace, and the Committee for Solidarity and Mutual Support.

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