January 13, 2010
Francisco Lopez, Executive Director, 503.269.5694
Erik Sorensen, Communications Director, 503.488.0263
Portland, Ore--Today, Immigration Reform Advocates and members of CAUSA, Oregon's Immigrant Rights Coalition, met for a March and Rally at the district offices of Congressman Wu and Senator Merkley in Portland.
The purpose of the action was to call on Congressman Wu to support Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act of 2009 (HR 4321) and to call on Senator Merkley to urge New York Senator Charles Schumer to introduce similar legislation in the United States Senate. Reform advocates from Portland State University were also present and called on Oregon's Representatives to support the DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act.Those attending the rally and march came from a variety of backgrounds including students, children of immigrant parents, and concerned citizens. The supporters of HR4321 began their rally at Congressman Wu's office where they spoke about their personal stories and the need for reform now. A small group including several students and CAUSA's Executive Director Francisco Lopez delivered a copy of HR4321 up to Congressman Wu's office. The Congressman will announce his decision on whether or not he will support the legislation this Friday.
Shortly after delivering their request to Congressman Wu, immigration reform supporters marched to Senator Merkley's office. There, they were met by Mary Beth Healy, Deputy State Director for Senator Merkley's office. She told the group that the Senator has always been supportive of comprehensive immigration reform and would take their request under serious consideration.
Currently, Congressman Earl Blumenauer is the only U.S. Representative from Oregon that has co-signed on to HR4321. Last week, supporters of Immigration Reform delivered a message of thanks to the Congressman during a press conference and rally outside his office. While there, he came out and spoke briefly reiterating his support for the legislation, the need for Comprehensive Immigration Reform and the work needed to achieve it this year.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act of 2009 (CIR-ASAP) (HR 4321) is the first piece of legislation introduced in Congress since 2007. Introduced on December 15th by Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez with over 92 co-sponsors from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Black Caucus, Asian Pacific American Caucus, and Progressive Caucus, the bill will:
CAUSA, their members and students from Portland State University will visit Senator Wyden's office next week on Friday (January 22nd) at noon. They will call on Oregon's Senior Senator to urge Senator Schumer to introduce legislation that mirrors the house bill and call for passage of the DREAM Act. For more information on the campaign and upcoming actions, please contact Francisco Lopez at 503.269.5694 or visit www.causaoregon.orgCreate millions of new taxpayers by requiring undocumented immigrants to register, go through background checks, pay taxes, and study English on their way to becoming full U.S. citizens Protect workers and help with economic recovery Keep families together Protect the due process rights of all
CAUSA, Oregon's Immigrant Rights Coalition, is a member of the Reform Immigration FOR America coalition and is the largest Latino and Latina civil and human rights and advocacy organization in the Pacific Northwest. We work to defend and advance immigrant rights through coordination with local, state, and national coalitions and allies. For more information, visit
ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN: The Reform Immigration FOR America campaign is a coalition of more than 600 faith, labor, business, progressive, and immigration reform groups that have joined together to get comprehensive immigration reform passed. For more information please visit or

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