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Saturday, September 18, 2010

CAUSA to join with UNIVISION Portland to help in the effort to end breast cancer

September 18, 2010

Francisco Lopez, Executive Director: (503) 269-5694
Erik Sorensen, Communications Director: (503) 488-0263

CAUSA to join with UNIVISION Portland to help in the effort to end breast cancer

Portland, Ore.—CAUSA, Oregon’s Immigrant Rights Coalition, has formed a team and will join with KUNP-TV UNIVISION Portland to take part in the 2010 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure on Sunday in Portland.

The Komen Race for the Cure Series raises significant funds and awareness for the fight against breast cancer, celebrates breast cancer survivorship, and honors those who have lost their battle with the disease.

“We know that Komen Oregon is hard at work in Oregon, but so much more needs to be done," says Francisco Lopez, with CAUSA. “Joining with Univision Portland on Sunday, we hope to help in the effort to raise awareness about breast cancer in the Latino Community”.

A recent study conducted by University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Harris County, TX found that Mexican-American women are diagnosed with breast cancer at a significantly younger age than the national average for all women. A larger study is now being undertaken and researchers are finding similar results

With running and walking events for all ages, celebrations for survivors and their families, entertainment, sponsor giveaways, sampling, and more, the 2010 Komen Portland Race for the Cure offers something for everyone. Teams and individuals can register in-person at the Komen Health Expo or at Waterfront Park on Race day or donate now at

About Komen Oregon, Race for the Cure and Susan G. Komen for the Cure®

- Komen Oregon, in partnership with the State of Oregon, is providing diagnostic tests for uninsured women, help for rural women to access treatment, educational programs, survivor support and more.

- Seventy-five percent of funds raised by Komen Oregon funds local and statewide support services, critical breast cancer screening programs and education.

- 25% of the dollars raised locally supports research that will discover the cures for breast cancer.


CAUSA, Oregon's Immigrant Rights Coalition, is a member of the Reform Immigration FOR America coalition and is the largest Latino and Latina civil and human rights and advocacy organization in the Pacific Northwest. We work to defend and advance immigrant rights through coordination with local, state, and national coalitions and allies. For more information, visit


Susan G. Komen Oregon

Latinos found to have early breast cancer risk, Houston Cronicle September 12, 2010

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