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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Over 3000 turn out to Annual May Day Celebration at the Oregon State Capitol

Governor Kitzhaber Signs SB833 into law during special ceremony

Salem, Ore. -- Families, students, members of the LGBT, labor, faith, education, business and immigrant communities, allies and others from around the state gathered with community leaders and elected officials at the Annual May Day March and Rally at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem. Participants came to celebrate passage of Senate Bill 833, to honor workers for their contributions and to call for passage of fair and humane comprehensive immigration reform and an end to deportations and the separation of families. They also called for jobs with living wages, educational opportunities from pre-k to college and access to health care services for ALL Oregon residents

As part of the May Day Celebration, Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber signed Senate Bill 833 into law during a special ceremony. SB833 creates an Oregon Driver Card (ODC), a new document designed to keep Oregon roads safe by allowing individuals, who do not have the documentation to access Oregon Driver’s Licenses, to get licensed and insured. Read the full statement from Governor Kitzhaber below:

Over 3000 people were present for the day's events.

Organizations participating included Causa Oregon, PCUN Farmworkers Union, Oregon School Employees Association (OSEA), Pacific Northwest Regional Association of Carpenters, Oregon AFL-CIO, Basic Rights Oregon, the Bus Project, Portland MEChA, APANO, Oregon Action, Farmworker Housing Development Corporation (FHDC), Latinos Unidos Siempre (LUS), United Farm Workers, Mano a Mano Family Center, Mujeres Luchadoras Progresistas, Oregon Farmworker Ministry, Salem-Keizer Coalition for Equality,  Voz Hispana Causa Chavista, SEIU Local 503, Willamette University Causa Chapter, Adelante Mujeres, Keeping Families Together and others.

A big thank you goes to all those individuals and organizations who volunteered and attended to participate in the rally, march and to witness the Governor signing Senate Bill 833 into law -- a great victory to Latino families, Causa, our allies and our movement in Oregon history. A special thank you to the Oregon State Legislature for passing the bill and to Governor Kitzhaber for signing it into law.

Governor Kitzhaber Statement:
“Today I signed into law a bill that not only improves our public safety, but helps Oregonians integrate into and contribute to our society and economy.

Senate Bill 833 has straightforward goal: to improve traffic safety by reducing the number of unlicensed and uninsured motorists on Oregon roads. With this bill, all Oregonians can take a driver’s exam, get a license, get car insurance, and drive safely to and from work or school, church or the store.

This bill is motivated by a larger vision – one where all Oregonians deserve and get their shot at the American dream. One where we are committed in our policymaking and in our daily lives to equity and opportunity for all. Where we are creating secure jobs with upward income mobility, and supporting safe, secure communities where people have a sense of common purpose and commitment to one another.

More than 235 years after our country’s founding, the idea of pursuing a more prosperous future still rings true and still gives us hope. It promises us that if we work hard, we can build a better life for ourselves and our families. It promises that our children will be better off than we were, and their kids better off yet. It promises us equal opportunity to succeed, no matter what language we speak at home.

Today we are here to keep those promises.

We are celebrating the promise of a better future, for every Oregonian. And we are celebrating that our democracy is made stronger – in fact, our democracy is made possible – because we share that belief in the American Dream and are working together to achieve it.” 
News Coverage:

The Oregonian: Gov. John Kitzhaber signs driver cards bill at May Day rally as opponents pursue referendum

New York Times: Showing Grass-Roots Support for Immigration Overhaul

Associated Press: Oregon driving bill becomes law at May Day rally

KATU News: Immigrants cheer signing of driver's card bill

Statesman Journal: Immigrant-rights groups turn focus to Congress after state priorities approved


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