Over at Blue Oregon, there is a discussion going on about the passage and merits of Senate Bill 1080. For those who have been trying to desperately keep up with the Oregon Legislature's speed at cramming this bill through both houses, you may have heard that it passed the full Senate with a vote of 23-7 on Monday. The bill is now before the Oregon House for consideration and a vote is expected to take place sometime this morning.
If passed, Senate Bill 1080 will require proof of legal presence in United States and a Social Security number before the Oregon Department of Transportation may issue, renew or replace driver license, driver permit or identification card. During Monday's Session, several Senators spoke out against the forseen consequences of the bill. During the open debate, Senate Avel Gordly said she was "deeply disturbed by the already apparent consequences of this bill, whether intended or not, which is to divide us from one another, even from our own neighbors."
It is not too late. We encourage all immigrant rights supporters and those concerned with public safety to call their State Representatives this morning and tell them to Vote “NO” on the draconian Senate Bill 1080, “a costly, dangerous and unfair law that threatens the safety of ALL Oregonians and the economy of our state.”
If you don’t know the name of your Representative, you can get contact information for them here: http://www.leg.state.or.us/findlegsltr/
You can also send an e-blast to your Representative by linking here: http://www.leg.state.or.us/writelegsltr/
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