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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Message Against Immigrants not Resonating with Voters

This morning, anti-immigrant activists, radio commentators and bloggers everywhere have probably heard the news by now that the message of hate towards Latinos isn’t resonating with Americans. The results from Super Tuesday didn’t show favorably on Mitt Romney or his rhetoric against immigrants.

Since getting the nod from Rep. Tom Tancredo several months ago, the candidate for the Republican Presidential Nomination has been trying to gain ground with his stance against immigrants. The day after Super Tuesday, it is clearer than ever that voters reject Romney and his message against the very people who keep this country going.

In this piece from today’s Wall Street Journal titled “Immigration Misfire”, Author Rosa Rosales explains the results from Super Tuesday and it's relationship to the immigration debate.

Immigration Misfire

February 5, 2008; Page A16

Political pundits used to maintain that the American electorate was galvanized around the issue of illegal immigration. Voters, they claimed, would punish any candidate who failed to take a tough stance on immigrants and did not adamantly oppose the "A" word -- Amnesty -- in all its tortured definitions.

Yet a funny thing happened in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida. The most anti-immigrant candidates performed below expectations, and those accused of supporting amnesty and in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants won. >>read on


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