November 4, 2008
Francisco Lopez (503) 269-5694
Erik Sorensen (503) 488-0263
Woodburn, Ore-Immigrant Rights, Labor and Latino Community Organizations including Voz Hispana Causa Chavista, PCUN (Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United) and CAUSA invite the public to join them this evening in waiting for the historic election results at PCUN Headquarters in Woodburn.
What: LET'S CELEBRATE DEMOCRACY TOGETHER!Last month, Voz Hispana Causa Chavista and PCUN mailed voter's guides to over 7,500 Latino voters in five Oregon cities including Woodburn, Gervais, Salem, Keizer, and Independence. Of those 7,500 Latinos receiving voters' guides, 3,500 were new voters that had been registered since December. With the explosion of new Latino Voters in Oregon, Latinos are poised to have a significant impact on tonight's election.
Who: Immigrant Rights, Labor and Latino Community Organizations including Voz Hispana Causa Chavista, PCUN (Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United) and CAUSA
When: Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at 7:00pm
Where: PCUN at 300 Young Street, Woodburn, Oregon 97071
One important issue that will be watched closely during this evening's election returns is Ballot Measure 58. Organizations within the Latino and Immigrant rights community have been working closely with the Parents and Teachers Know Better Campaign in effort to defeat this measure.
Measure 58 would affect many families in the Latino Community as it would hinder the ability of their children to learn and grasp the English language, thereby having a detrimental impact on their future. Not to mention the costly measure would take local control away from school boards, families and educators-those who know what is best for our children-- and place it in the hands of convicted racketeer Bill Sizemore.
Members of the press are invited and encouraged to attend this evening's Election Night Celebration in Woodburn. For those media outlets not able to come to Woodburn, CAUSA will have staff available in other parts of the state for comment. Please contact Erik Sorensen, CAUSA's Communications Director at (503) 488-0236 for more information.
For more information about the Election Night Celebration in Woodburn, please contact Francisco Lopez at (503) 269-5694.

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