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Monday, November 17, 2008

KPCN-LP Celebrating Victory Against Commercial Airwaves

Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste
Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United
300 Young Street / Woodburn, OR 97071
(503) 982-0243 / (503) 982-1031(FAX)

November 17, 2008

Marlen Torres (503) 560-6517

KPCN-LP Celebrating Victory Against Commercial Airwaves

What: KPCN - LP, 2nd Anniversary and Changing Frequencies to 95.9FM

When: November 22, 2008, 1pm-8pm

Where: Woodburn High School 1785 N. Front St, Woodburn, OR 97071


Our first two years of radio broadcasting life have flown by. It has been packed with excitement, exhilaration, stress, anxiety, and satisfaction--sometimes all in the same week. The response to Radio Movimiento continues to amaze everyone including our thousands of listeners, our volunteer programmers, our institutional supporters, and our young (and few) staff. Even our competitors, the five full-power commercial radio stations who also reach the Woodburn area with Spanish broadcasting 24/7, are amazed by the positive response we are getting.

As many may remember, we inaugurated our full-time broadcast in Woodburn on November 20, 2006, commemorating the 96th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution. We named it "Radio Revolution Day". Simply staying on the air, plus sustaining for one hundred weeks a broadcast schedule with three dozen locally-produced programs every week, is a huge accomplishment.

On November 22nd, we will mark another milestone. KPCN-LP's frequency will change from 96.3 to 95.9 FM. This change consummates the victory in our fight to preserve Radio Movimiento against the "move-in" threat by KWLZ commercial radio. Although the FCC had deregulated some of the few rights we had as a noncommercial low-power FM radio station, we were able to mount an effective legal, organizing and advocacy campaign.

Last year, we addressed four of the five FCC Commissioners in front of over 1,000 progressive media supporters. We were able to persuade top FCC officials to halt "move-in" applications which jeopardized low-power FM Stations. And, as a result of our campaign, KWLZ's owners were forced to the bargaining table. By the end of negotiations, a settlement was reached in August giving FCC approval to our station to expand its broadcasting reach. The conditions of the approval was that KPCN-LP would need to voluntarily shift it's frequency from 96.3 to 95.9. This new frequency will allow us to now reach part way into Salem. Another step forward for Radio Movimiento!

Our slogan for the frequency change is: "Radio Movimiento moves (a little to the) left". To promote our new place on the dial, we're introducing our new logo below. We will have T-shirts and bumper stickers to distribute at our event on the 22nd.


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