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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dinner to Commemorate Legacy of Jesuit Martyrs, Role of Solidarity Sunday

The Legacy of the Jesuit Martyrs and the Role of Solidarity

On Sunday, there will be a service and dinner to commemorate:
  • The 19th Anniversary of the massacre of 6 Jesuit priests and 2 women in El Salvador by Salvadoran soldiers trained at the U.S. Army School of the Americas.
  • 1st Anniversary of the Governor’s executive order for the DMV to check social security numbers

There will also be a reflection on the significance of Obama’s election for human rights locally and internationally.

November 16th 4-6PM
First Congregational Church,
700 Marion St. NE Salem

Funds collected will go toward the new Family Resource Center, a response network set up to aid families during a raid.

Event sponsored by First Congregational Church, UCC and CAUSA, Oregon’s Immigrant Rights Coalition. For more information and to R.S.V.P. call Bethany Loberg 503-910-6832 or Francisco Lopez 503-269-5694


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