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Friday, November 14, 2008

OFWM to Host Conversation about Farm Worker Issues on Saturday

Community Conversation about Farm Worker Issues

Date: Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008
Time: 11:30am to 2:oopm
Location: First Christian Church, Eugene

A light lunch will be included. To RSVP, please call Oregon Farm Worker Ministry at 503 805 2343 or e- mail at OFWM at RSVP is not necessary but preferable.

Six key regions comprise Oregon’s profitable agribusiness. You are invited to come learn and share about urgent challenges faced by our migrant, seasonal, and year round farm workers, as they undergird our food security systems, sustainable agriculture, farmer markets, and retailers who benefit from the bounty like restaurants, wineries, nurseries, and organic supermarkets, among many, many others.

Key issues: Worker rights to organize, impact of anti-immigrant vitriol, Oregon drivers’ license restrictions, and pending federal legislation.

Creative Solutions: Strategic accompaniment for farm workers and collaborations among community organizations, social justice advocates, faith groups and churches...and YOU!


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