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Friday, August 27, 2010

Latino Health Policy Assembly Set for September in Portland

Portland, Ore.--Join the Oregon Latino Health Coalition and CAUSA, Oregon's Statewide Immigrant Rights Coalition in Portland for a Latino Health Policy Assembly on September 23rd

The purpose of this assembly is to bring together policy makers, healthcare advocates and legislators to discuss:

  • Legislation that would expand access for uninsured Latino children to the Healthy Kids Program

  • Increase of state funding for safety net clinics and community clinics, amplifying their ability to serve more uninsured families across Oregon

  • Latino Health Policy Assembly
    DATE: September 23, 2010
    TIME: 6:00pm
    First Unitarian Church
    Fuller Hall
    1211 SW Main Street
    Portland, OR 97201

    For more information and to RSVP please contact Norma Sanchez at 971-218-2684. You must RSVP to attend this event.

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